TNC Group – PlayFuel Partnership Announcement

We are pleased to announce that PlayFuel just signed a merger agreement with TNC IT Solutions Group, a global blockchain company that specializes in crypto mergers & acquisitions (M&A).

As part of the merger agreement, PLF tokens (ERC20) will be swapped for TNC Coins. Essentially, we urge all PLF holders to participate in the token swap by depositing their PLF tokens in their Aladdin Pro wallet account.

If you don’t have an Aladdin Pro account yet, kindly download the app via the official links below.



You can also download the APK by visiting the official Aladdin website:

Aladdin Pro deposits will begin on June 28 and will be available for up to 6 months.

Kindly note that those who do not deposit their PLF after the aforementioned period has elapsed will no longer be able to swap to TNC Coin.

Users who deposit their PLF will receive an email from the official PlayFuel Support team containing the details of the swap. Should you have any questions before depositing your PLF, please contact us here: [email protected]

This merger will diversify both firms in accessing new crypto markets and improve their services. The PlayFuel team will also keep on reforming its technology to offer more comfort to crypto users and the gaming network around the world.

We thank you for your support to PlayFuel through the years, and we look forward to being with you as we transition into another important chapter.

PLF Admin

PLF Admin

PlayFuel brings the power of blockchain technology to the gaming world. PlayFuel allows developers to reward players with token rewards with real market value.